Sleep | Teen Ink


June 4, 2010
By shreya756 PLATINUM, Gurgaon, Haryana, Other
shreya756 PLATINUM, Gurgaon, Haryana, Other
27 articles 4 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
When it gets dark only then can you see the stars...
If a million people believe in a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.

I take a deep breath and walk straight,
Tomorrow holds, what today takes.

It is a hard life and no one can tell,
Who made it up there
And who eventually fell.

I pack my dreams and hopes away,
Just in case, i might need them again someday.

I feel empty as I get on the road
It’s getting dark
And life’s getting old.

I go on and on in darkness, waiting for a sign,
I go on, knowing somehow, that everything will be fine.

You see, I dream of a place in every dream,
In which the world is not what it seems.

In this place it’s a brighter day and a newer tomorrow,
Only happiness engulfs it and there’s no fear of sorrow.

The land is muddy and green and silence reflects a sound,
You can clearly see the Sun rising above the ocean and when it goes down.

People go about and do what they love,
There is no back stabbing
And you can see the Heavens above.

The air there is still and no insects creep into the mind,
And goodness and trust are easy to find.

I dream of going to this place someday, but I know that it isn’t there.
However, dreams turn into reality only when we dare and share.

I open my eyes and the world seems in a haze,
I go back to sleep,
Haven’t had one in days.

The author's comments:
um...This one is really very special to me as I had been going through this whole 'not being able to write up to the mark' phase...In fact, not being able to write anything at all. So, i was pretty scared but then today words started flowing through me again and i came up with this. I know that it is not my best, but it's a start...

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