She Never Knew How Good She Was | Teen Ink

She Never Knew How Good She Was

April 22, 2010
By EmmaTaylor SILVER, Fort Collins, Colorado
EmmaTaylor SILVER, Fort Collins, Colorado
6 articles 1 photo 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
Before you judge me why don't you let me tell you about my life?
Sometimes it's best to forget how you feel and remember what you deserve.

His zipper was down to his pocket as his favorite maroon hoodie engulfed him.
His hood was in place and his dark hair laid perfectly in front of his eyes
but I hadn't touched him in three weeks
and yet the way he looked had never changed.
While I was a heart break mess.

I looked back at him sitting with his wolf pack.
The moment his glance caught mine I knew we were
two worlds apart
never to meet again
never to share one world.

There were days I wanted to kill him every time I saw him.
Other days I wanted to cry as he passed in the halls.
I would never act on my rash impulses
but no matter how hard I tried he was always there
in the back of my mind
and it would be a while until I was really over him
because I thought I loved him
but I was never good enough for him

The world isn't as cruel as you would expect.
Even as the heart cries out life is filled with grace.
No matter where I go I always find love
even without him by my side
my life will go on
because time waits for no man and with time
these wounds he left will simply be scars to remind me.
Showing the world everything I went through for him.
Change may come but those scars remain.
I had gained the world and just as I did
the world crumbled beneath my feet.

She was too good for me
I had always known this in the pit of my stomached
but this world had made me selfish.
Even though I told her she didn't deserve a guy like me
she never believed me.
And now as I look at her as I sit with the guys
I realize just how much she meant to me.
She is everything I had ever wanted
and my heart aches for what I had to loose
because she deserved better than me.

I saw the pain in her eyes as her glance met mine.
It took all the strength I had to see her like that.
I held my self back because I knew she deserved better than me.
I had to let her go
while I still could
before I ruined her completely.
From where I sat
a world apart
from hers.
She seemed okay.
She had moved on without me.
I cry knowing I will never be good enough for her.
So I'll sit here and watch her as she pieces her life back together
without me
because she deserves better than me.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem after my boyfriend and I broke up. He was one of the most loving people I have ever met in my life. He knew that I had ambitions and I would put those aside in order to be with him. Instead he broke my heart in order for me to live my dreams.
I hope that by reading this poem you understand that things happen for a reason, and people don't always hurt you because they hate you but because they know it is the best for you. I

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This article has 3 comments.

fairee GOLD said...
on Jul. 1 2010 at 5:28 pm
fairee GOLD, Fort Collins, Colorado
13 articles 5 photos 33 comments

so i've said this before but

GIRL YOU GOT TALENT! i love you emma riffle! 

on May. 15 2010 at 11:40 am
EmmaTaylor SILVER, Fort Collins, Colorado
6 articles 1 photo 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
Before you judge me why don't you let me tell you about my life?
Sometimes it's best to forget how you feel and remember what you deserve.

Thanks so much (=

on May. 15 2010 at 3:22 am
sydney_hope GOLD, Round Rock, Texas
15 articles 0 photos 55 comments
I left my comment on the forum, but again, it made my heart hurt and I loved it. I always love poems that can get emotion out of me.