The Impossible Crush | Teen Ink

The Impossible Crush

November 13, 2009
By Raven_Lilith_Jace GOLD, Boonville, Missouri
Raven_Lilith_Jace GOLD, Boonville, Missouri
12 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I reject your reality and substitute me own!"

- Adam Savage "Mythbusters"

Her heart belongs to two.
One a boy.
The other a girl.
She's never talked to him,
But she talks to her everyday.
One already knows.
The other is clueless.
She has sworn her friends to silence.
Never tell the girl.
But her friends torment her about the boy.
Show no mercy.
She fears telling either herself.
Will they laugh at her?
Reject her?
Tell her to leave and never talk to them again?
One is spoken for,
The other, she'll never know.
She looks into two pairs of eyes.
One ice blue.
Another, dirt brown.
Her heart quivers.
She aches to tell them.
But fear takes place, demanding her silence.
She walks away,
Promising herself to tell them tomorrow.
Her heart belongs to two.
And it's prepared to shatter.

The author's comments:
This is actually happening right now. The girl who is haveing these crushes right now is not me though. She's my best friend.

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