Dreaming | Teen Ink


November 12, 2009
By bri_bo94 SILVER, Spokane, Washington
bri_bo94 SILVER, Spokane, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
My personal quote....

Live, Laugh, Love

Live long
Laugh loud
Love forever!!!!

You see what you’ve been wanting to see.
Those happy moments that you don’t want gone.
And after awhile you start to think they’re real.
You start feeling it in your body.
Whether it’s the wind in your hair,
Or that perfect kiss with that special someone
That’s making your lips tingle.
You want it so badly that you convince yourself that it’s real.
Then you hear something in the background.
At first you ignore it.
Then it comes back, this time louder.
You ignore it again.
But it comes back even louder;
And before you know it,
You’re somewhere else.
You can still feel that sensation in your body.
Then reality hits,
You’re back in the real world.
You’re longing for yourself to go back
When you realize it was all just a dream.
It was never really there.

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