A Riddle | Teen Ink

A Riddle

September 30, 2009
By SurvivoroftheWorld GOLD, Malvern, Pennsylvania
SurvivoroftheWorld GOLD, Malvern, Pennsylvania
16 articles 2 photos 13 comments

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The answer to my riddle is the letter n ;)

I am in seconds and minutes, but I refuse to be in days or years,
I am in the start of noise but I am not in ears.
I am in direction and I am also in number,
I am not there when you rest and I am never in slumber.
I am there when you clean but not when you make messes,
I am there in a refusal, but not when you say yeses.
I guarantee to be there at the end of man and even in beginning,
I am not there when you lose, but I am twice when you are winning.
While I am small and upside down I almost look like U,
I am there in angel’s tears but I am not in dew.
I help you make words and I am there when you write,
I make sounds when you speak and I help you make sunlight.
If you can figure me out you are cleverly cunning,
You are sensationally smart and just outright stunning.
So I challenge you all to my clever game,
Just try to figure out my dreadfully secretive name.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for my Honors English 3 class for a project about Anglo-Saxon riddles and I wanted to see if anyone could figure it out. :)

If you want to find the answer to this riddle please click on the about me, I'll post the answer under there.

Good Luck ;)

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on Jan. 10 2012 at 5:52 am
Winters_Willow SILVER, Beijing, Other
7 articles 0 photos 51 comments

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"Treat others the way you wish to be treated." ~Ghandi
"You are the worst pirate I've ever heard of." "Ah, but you've heard of me." ~Pirates of the Caribbean
"A man who has never done anything wrong, has never tried anything new." ~Albert Einstein

Cool! I was so stumped at first, but after I was all like. 'O, that totally makes sense!" That was an awesome riddle!! :D