Bondwood | Teen Ink


September 11, 2009
By zachroyal PLATINUM, Johnson City, Tennessee
zachroyal PLATINUM, Johnson City, Tennessee
33 articles 4 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I Am but Mad North-northwest: When the Wind is Southerly I Know a Hawk from a Handsaw"

Welcome to the portable proficiency
A way
I can typify
Or nothing important
At all
An escape from the normalcys
Of finding wallets
And keys
And making up words just because we can
O certain people
Numbers in the alphabet are not allowed
Illegal from a perspective yes
But then again we can make up words
Verse even
A sense I’ve only just recovered
That makes thoughts endure
And stretch out conflicts into armistice
A single solution for the everything
Or nothing
I coupled with adjectives
And personable tendencies
That my spell check said was wrong
Who gave it rights?
I did
With my personalized settings
And intelligence enough to create it
And create words and alphabets
And beats too spin off
And improvise
Sometimes that’s the best
A spontaneous array of gypsy rhythms
And doing things you never thought you would do
Or say
To people
And can only be described spontaneously
Dance shows
Imply but movements
Yet I still receive that notion of further meaning
Because I can’t share it with anyone
But my idle
Don’t even let that step to you
All really just a bunch of sounds
Like dance moves
The show
That showed me over and over
How to misplace
A modification to a personality?
Though he’ll never admit it
Its because you are pretty
And wear too much makeup
All over your mind
Come on
And avoid the joke
I know there’s got to be something else
In there besides
Him and
Everything you’ve convinced yourself
Of happiness
And how it can’t resonate
Well it can
At least that’s my interpretation
Of those dance shows and sounds and alphabets
And that implication
Gets rid of every bar I’ve ever had on my cell phone
That told me I could call you
Just to talk
Or something like that
If you want to buy that excuse
Then I guess we can talk
Or just sit in silence
And pretend to watch movies
Under pretending we’re cold so we can get a blanket
And sigh breaks in the silence
Like shots of dirty recognitions
I’ll keeping cutting the new deck
Electric heater
Because that’s a better solution
Though not as pleasing
Always felt like home

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