Soup Can | Teen Ink

Soup Can

September 10, 2009
By emilyrosetownsend SILVER, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
emilyrosetownsend SILVER, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
9 articles 5 photos 5 comments

My name is not Ashley, Ana, or Bonnie;
My name is not Kacie, Lacie, or Connie.
I'm not just "that one girl",
I'm not just that chick;
I'm not just an okie,
I'm not just a hick.
I don't ride with cowboys or party with crazies;
most of the time I'm simply dreaming among daisies.
I'm not a soup can,
so why label me as so?
Why you do,
I never shall know.

The author's comments:
Just cliques and stereotypes within schools; it's terrible. Why waste your breath by calling me something I'm not?

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