The Day the Memory Swallowed Me | Teen Ink

The Day the Memory Swallowed Me

May 9, 2023
By noelnovalee GOLD, Burlington, Iowa
noelnovalee GOLD, Burlington, Iowa
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The day you put your hand on me

With bad intentions 

Intentions to hurt me

Baggy blue tank top

Black leggings

Tainted by your touch

I let the memories swallow me up

And get lost in the past

Where your hand is moving lower and lower

I told you no

But your ears aren’t adjusted to that word

So you kept moving down

I told you no

But you kept pushing my head down

A knife in your pocket

Leaving me helpless

I went home 

And cried in my mother's arms

As you left

With everything you wanted

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