Climate Change | Teen Ink

Climate Change

December 20, 2022
By RACECAR2 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
RACECAR2 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blue, the color of sadness, sorrow, loneliness…

In the distance lies what once was a winter wonderland, 

Thriving with all things that love cold. 

Bare rock is surrounded by what used to be frozen waters

so thick you could jump and jump and it would never crack.

Now no one would believe you could stand out there at all.

Clear water reflects the blue feeling of the sorry island.

Bones of the ones that tried to escape rest on floating rock

only getting so far before the inevitable. Unless given the 

gift of flight, for the birds still thrive on the outskirts

of the sorry island.

The author's comments:

This is an ekphrastic poem done On Millard Sheets’, Enchanted Island, 1978, acrylic on canvas.

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