the sea and the sand. | Teen Ink

the sea and the sand.

February 14, 2022
By SIRIUZ GOLD, Gahanna, Ohio
SIRIUZ GOLD, Gahanna, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The way you cry so easily makes me angry in ways I do not understand. 

Im in the right and you’re on the wrong

So how do your eyes get to be sea and mine still feel like sand?.

You sit in the dark crying with your head in your hands

And I stand in my own anger waiting and watching for something unplanned. 


The people around you let your sea run free.

A mother who says im the villain apparently

Friends who care enough to sit with you and drown in your sorrow ocean

You see,  I have that too

But I certainly do not have as many tears as you do

But I have enough anger to supply every star including the sun

Enough anger for 20 but I am only one. 

I could light a fire with my words 

Set a song of red, orange, and yellow flame to your feelings with my sharp look of rage.

You do not have enough water stored in ur eyes to put out my fury. 

So the next time you dare to try and douce me in your guilt

Try to wash my anger in rivers of sadness

Know that my irritation is as big as the dry horizon.

That I can create castles with my sand infused eyes 

 Mistake the sea for gasoline

 and set the oceans…


The author's comments:

this is directed to a certain person. that's all 

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