Locked | Teen Ink


December 17, 2021
By Anonymous

Feelings trapped wanting free

I will never give them the key.

They eat on my conscious

Prey on my sanity

simulations, a doom of my own creation.

So many irrational

So many real

My head screams

My heart dreams

I feel love, I feel stress

I feel as though I’m a wreck

I can never quit get my mind to rest

But when I do it’s you

It’s you I think of when I’m stressed

A moment of tranquility of rest

I can finally go back to bed 

A few whispered prayers

Calm my storm

It opens the box

My feelings no longer have to be locked

I fall asleep to dreams

I ask for strength and Tranquility

You give it to me willingly

Simulations of your creation

Ones my heart dreams at

The author's comments:

I really like the first three stanzas, because that is all I originally wanted to write including the fourth stanza because I enjoyed the meaning conveyed to me personally. However, adding an ending or a resolution was asked of me to make it more happy. But I think the first three are meaningful. I still think the ending could use work, the last two stanzas specifically, because I have changed the ending so many times to so many different things and just haven't been happy with it, but I do like that this represents my faith, because my faith and my church mean a lot to me and it shows my love for them, and the comfort I recieve from them. 

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