I Want To Run Away | Teen Ink

I Want To Run Away

March 29, 2021
By Anonymous

I want to run away with you

and leave my life behind.

I want to start another life

where the world is mostly kind.

I want to build a family

and watch our kids grow strong.

I want them to have a happy life

where things don't always go wrong.

I want to run away with you

and go places we've never been.

I want to go around the world

and then around again.

I want to run away with you

and build a life so grand.

So, if you still want a life with me,

won't you take my hand?

I want to run away with you

and turn a house into a home.

I want to do so many things,

I can't fit them in this poem.

I want to run away with you.

Will you run away with me?

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