I Am Not | Teen Ink

I Am Not

March 15, 2021
By 2fullerton SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
2fullerton SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am not. 

I am not static.

I am constantly moving, bettering myself mentally and physically.

I am not waiting.

I am going out and getting what I want from life, starting to make money young whether it’s my 

job or my side business I am running


I am not wasteful

I am taking every opportunity I can because I know one thing I can never get back in life is an opportunity after its missed or a minute after it is wasted

I am not timid

I am always taking risks to see what happens or where it leads me because a comfort zone is safe but allows for little growth

I am not boring

I am never going to intentionally do something I have zero interest in, I want to always be making memories and having 

I am what I am, but I am not many things.

The author's comments:

This is free verse poetry that I believe describes me and many other teens across the nation.

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