One Shining Sun | Teen Ink

One Shining Sun

December 4, 2019
By ---itsabs--- SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
---itsabs--- SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is the only star that shines on me. I am the only one who sees its real shine. One shining sun with radiant rays of light and heat like a volcano. One that lights everything. One shimmering object ninety million miles away. Yet, I can feel its glowing warmth and happiness on my skin, but nobody else feels it. 

Its energy is magical. It emits beams of light upon the earth. It circles around and around and glows new hemispheres and shines light on people’s days. This is how it gleams.

When I step out into the sun, the sadness and grief pours out of my body like water out of a faucet, rejuvenating my body. Happy, happy, happy it says to me. It twinkles.

When I fall down and can no longer stay smiling, when I am burrowed in a deep cave, then I look to the sun. When I can’t feel any warmth on this earth. One who shines despite the dread. One whose rays find my shoulders and face. One whose only purpose is to love and bring happiness.

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