An Ode to Band | Teen Ink

An Ode to Band

March 17, 2019
By Sarahpo18 SILVER, Lambertville, Michigan
Sarahpo18 SILVER, Lambertville, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are my safe space-

The one place that I feel like I belong.

You provide me with a distraction from all the negativity in my life,

Keeping me from drowning in an ocean of anxiety

And sheltering me from the storm insecurity that constantly rages in my mind,

And for that, I thank you.

Though I couldn’t help but feel inadequate when we first met,

You refused to let me give up on you,

So I didn’t.

I gave you a chance and kept trying,

And in doing that,

I was able to find more confidence in myself than I ever knew I could have.

You helped me find me faith in my ability to learn new things,

And for that, I thank you.

You may not be the only thing that kept me persevering through the worst times of my life,

But you were the strongest reason I had to keep going,

And for that, I thank you.

In moments where it felt like all hope was lost and that no one was there for me,

I could always count on you to fall back on when times got tough.

You were the one reliable constant in my life,

And for that, I thank you.

Without you, it’s highly likely that I wouldn’t have made it past freshman year,

And for that,

I thank you.

The author's comments:

Band was the one thing that got me through some serious mental health issues in my freshman year. Though I've mentioned it in a few other writings about band, I haven't written anything strictly about it, so this is my attempt at trying to do that.

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