small stars in a big sky | Teen Ink

small stars in a big sky

October 4, 2018
By keelyyes SILVER, Warsaw, Indiana
keelyyes SILVER, Warsaw, Indiana
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I was once a shade of blue but you turned me to yellow- "Cliffnote" by guardin

humans are like

glow sticks

society breaks us

into who we are


to be

but we only


for a short period

of time

-small stars in a big sky

The author's comments:

This piece is comparing us as a society to glow sticks. Like glow sticks, we all have the capabilty to shine. Often people feel as if they have been forced to do something or "broken" into a mold that they don't fit. As well, some people only get the fame they want for a short amount of time, just like glow sticks. 

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