What you want to hear | Teen Ink

What you want to hear

August 2, 2018
By Annikan BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
Annikan BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be inspired by others creativity. Use what you learned from them to inspire everyone else." -Me

“My ears will think. My eyes will talk. My mouth will hear what hasn't been thought. The only thing I no that makes sense, is that I've always liked you.

You could imagine the way I feel but, it isn't even close. When I feel like absolute garbage, the most simple things that you could possibly do.

Like, hold my hand. Kiss me on the cheek. Or take a moment to talk to me. Makes everything bad go away. Like no matter what, everything will be okay. And the one thing in my life, that is the light of it. Is you.

Everything that revolves around you. Laughing with you. Crying with you. Looking at you. Your beautiful. The minute I saw you. For another good minute, I stared. I just stared. And all I could think, was how in my gut. The craziest thing I've ever experienced. I knew that you were my perfect.

Perfect is such a stupid word but, I know what it means to me. The only person to ever make me feel a certain way. Like I could sit with them for hours. And wouldn’t rather be doing anything else. Nothing.

The one thing I know I'm crazy about. That I can’t live without. I'm talking to. I love you.”

The author's comments:

I was bored when I wrote this. And I thought that, I wanted to write something that could be relatable to other people so, I wrote this. 

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