The Delight Song of Cante’ Skuya | Teen Ink

The Delight Song of Cante’ Skuya

April 15, 2013
By Kaayelynn BRONZE, Wahpeton, North Dakota
Kaayelynn BRONZE, Wahpeton, North Dakota
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Stop War.
Hug More."

I am the puddles of rain on the side of the street,
I am the sun that gives off rays of heat,
I am the eyes of an angel glistening in the moon,
I am the laughter of children blowing up balloons,
I am a melody as soft and soothing as an ocean,
I am a memory filled with love and emotion,
I am the person that helps you when you want to mend,
I am someone’s daughter, sister, and friend
I am a teenager; living so happily and free.
I am me.
You see, I am alive! I am alive!
I know what happiness is, but also what’s sad.
I know what it’s like to be anxious, and what it’s like to be mad.
I know what it is to make goals and strive.
I know what it’s like to live and survive.
You see, I am alive! I am alive!

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