Your Cliche Lies | Teen Ink

Your Cliche Lies

November 1, 2009
By sarahxinsane921 SILVER, St. Charles, Missouri
sarahxinsane921 SILVER, St. Charles, Missouri
5 articles 4 photos 10 comments

I Used To Be Your "Babydoll",
I Used To Be Your Joy,
But Now I'm Starting To Think,
Maybe I Was Just Your Toy.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Apr. 16 2010 at 5:48 am
Katherine93 GOLD, Liverpool, Other
15 articles 0 photos 76 comments

Favorite Quote:
"the only person you are destined to become is the person that you choose to be" - unknown

short but sweet.

this is amazing!!!! =')

on Mar. 15 2010 at 7:12 pm
KICK3593 PLATINUM, Roslyn Heights, New York
49 articles 0 photos 74 comments
Just wondering: the poem's kind of funny, in a good way. It's the capitalization that really got me. Was it meant to be funny?

on Nov. 27 2009 at 6:15 pm
jennee21_ann GOLD, Helper, Utah
17 articles 0 photos 568 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't gain the world and lose your soul....wisdom is better than silver or gold."

"You can always close a book, but you can never close the mind of a writer."

ahhh....i LOVE IT!!! :) wow. it's so honest, and yet so sweet and pure at the same time. very creative and almost whitty ;) amazing poem for being short. i just love it :) would you mind checking out some of my work, id love to hear what you have to say? oh and PLEASE keep writing!! :)