Bottle Me Up | Teen Ink

Bottle Me Up

January 4, 2018
By babyry BRONZE, Corona, California
babyry BRONZE, Corona, California
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I am an empty bottle

I am curved at the edges and 

brand new

Day by day you pour your liquid into me 

I let it sit inside me

You fill me to the top 

I pour myself out


I am an empty bottle again

I am curved at the edges and I look as though I am brand new

You pour more liquid 

It continues to sit inside me

I am full

You pick me up and shake me 

And now,

I explode

I am not an empty bottle anymore

I am not curved at the edges 

and I am no longer brand new

Therefore, there is no more liquid you are able to pour into me

As I am no longer a bottle

The author's comments:

This is a poem that was written not too long ago by myself. My meaning behind this was that at times, after so much constant stress and anxiety that one may no longer consider themselves who they truley are.

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