Friends Forever | Teen Ink

Friends Forever

March 22, 2009
By N@N@777 BRONZE, Weslaco, Texas
N@N@777 BRONZE, Weslaco, Texas
1 article 2 photos 0 comments

And so we talked all afternoon about the rest of our lives.
Which university are we going to survive?
I keep hoping times will never change.
Keep on hoping things will always be the same.
But in 2 more years we wont be coming back.
No more hanging out cuz' we're going onto a different track.
And if you got something to do or say,
You better do it now cuz there wont be another day.
Time is passing by fast and we can't slow it down.
These memories are playing like a teen clip.
And i keep thinking of that night at the movies.
I didnt know much of FREEDOM, but it came too soon.
And there was you guys and I, we got real crazy.
Shopping at Dollar Tree to sneak in munchies.
We got so excited and got so nervous.
Laughing at ourselves thinking life is too short to be anything but young and happy.
Cuz as we go on we'll remember all the times we had together.
And as our lives change, come whatever we still be Friends Forever.
So if we go to different Universities and we get our degress.
When we look back will our jokes still be funny?
Will we remember the bloody looking gummy bears?
Still be wondering if Mrs.Petersons hair is a wig.
Will little brainy Patty be the mangager for Wal-Mart?
Can Elias find a jog that wont interfere with his lazyness?
I keep hoping that it's not goodbye.
Keep on hoping it's not the time to fly.
But in life we just have to let go of the ones we Love.
Will we think about the future like we think about it now?
Will we see each other in our reunion?
Can we make it somehow?
Will me and becky make it BIG?
I guess High School wasn't meant to last forever.
As time passes by we're turning into young women and men
And the more we do the more they start pressuring us.
And so we get nervous and start thinking about our future.
What we're gonna be when we turn 25?
Instead of realizing that right now should be the best years of our lives.
And so will the past be a part of us that will stay like our own shadow?
Or will the memories fade away and move on as we walk on the 2011 stage?
Tears will run down on our faces cuz the time is coming closer
And it will be the time to fly.
But at the end we will still be Friends Forever!

The author's comments:
Me and my friends were outside waiting for the bus and so we decided to discuss about our future to see what college we wanted to go to and if we were to see each other after high school and it got me thinking so after i got home i started writing about it.

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This article has 1 comment.

MoMo715 SILVER said...
on Mar. 27 2009 at 5:42 am
MoMo715 SILVER, Immokalee, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments
This poem says a lot, I think of the future to much and barley get anytime in the present. I have asked myself what would happen 10 years after high school, would I see my friends again? In love with this poem.