Terzanelle | Teen Ink


November 20, 2015
By SkyDeer PLATINUM, Mebane, North Carolina
SkyDeer PLATINUM, Mebane, North Carolina
20 articles 19 photos 49 comments

Favorite Quote:
Respect the nerds, they will be your boss someday- The Computer Guy.
The best is yet to come and baby won't it be fine- A band.
Defiant is the best word in the dictionary!

Life’s greatest fights
are lost in the silence.
They are the bringers of light.

In the end, there will be no violence.
The greatest exploits, once found impossible
are lost in the silence.

Dreams of tomorrow might become unstoppable,
(Or they might fade away.)
The greatest exploits were once found impossible.

Good things never stay.
They teach you to give love,
then fade away.

The lessons learned free souls of
the misery buried beneath nights of pure chance.
You’ve been taught to give love.
Maybe those children will finally dance.
Life’s greatest fights
are miseries buried beneath nights of pure chance.
They are the bringers of light. 

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