A Wound, Lifted BY My Savior From Above | Teen Ink

A Wound, Lifted BY My Savior From Above

December 29, 2008
By misstayv PLATINUM, St. Louis, Missouri
misstayv PLATINUM, St. Louis, Missouri
32 articles 0 photos 7 comments

A deep wound laying in my soul
It feels like a boulder
Holding me down
As I fight to keep it from being seen

I just don't understand
How could my life go from good to horrible?
I ask God for an answer and HE gives me no reply

I do not love GOD any less, but has these distractions
Truley lead me away from my true happiness?
Is that why HE does not answer when I call?
Only calling on HIM when my life isn't "great "
Yet without HIM in my life it could never been anything close to " great "

Is that why HE will not talk to me?
Have I walked away from HIm saying HE is only needed
When me life is anything less than " great "?
I am ashamed

HE is my Savior,my Father,my Lord, my Perfection
How could I forsake HIM?
I love my GOD, HE is my happiness

A light now shining in my soul
MY wound has been healed
My GOD, till death and ever more shall I love THEE

The author's comments:
Never let all the distractions in the whole lose your friendships with those who are there for you, and care. Those are the people in your life that matter, everything else is just a bunch of nothing.

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