Seeing Red | Teen Ink

Seeing Red

November 26, 2008
By QS724 SILVER, Carpentersville, Illinois
QS724 SILVER, Carpentersville, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Seeing Red

You notice me when you prick your finger.
You feel me in the passion.
I clock your mind in a fiery haze and take away your judgment.
I burn bright in forest fires.
I am the outside of a pepper,
I am the car speeding by going 90 in a 45 zone.
I am the opposite of timid,
I am the fire in your soul.
Blue and I are enemies always competing,
He is the arteries and I am the veins.
I am the lava he is the hurricane.
I am the sunrise that starts a new day.
I am red, who longs to be anything than what I am.
I cannot change the feeling that arises in people when the see me when I am truly unveiled.

I long to be the green that shows signs of life instead of the red that shows death and pain.
I want to be the trees that billow in the wind aimless and free

I wish to be brown,
like the soil in the ground; saturated with water that makes it rich,
instead of the fire that incinerates any signs of life and oxygen causing it to burn brighter.

I want to be yellow,
like the bright burning sun.
I want to be the petals of a soft, silky sunflower and the fur of a bubbly, buzzing bumble bee.
I want to be yellow.

I wish to be silver, cold to touch.
The silver bells that twinkle as the wind stroke them,
Causing them to giggle and sing their musical tune.
I wish to be loved.

Most of all I pray to be blue.
The opposite of what I am.
I want to get along with the other colors easily.
I want to sooth and calm instead of anger.
I want to be accepted and cradled.
I want to wash over you with comfort.
I pray to be blue.

But alas I am red and you will only see red.

The author's comments:
This was an assignment my teacher gave us at the beginning of the year and it just kind of flowed through me onto the paper

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 1 2011 at 7:06 pm
Countrylife4 GOLD, Maine
11 articles 4 photos 118 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Someday soon we're gonna catch that dream we've been chasing"
"Seven days without a horse makes one weak."
"The worst part of riding is when you dismount."

Insult my clothes, I say, “Okay, thanks for the compliment.”
Insult the way I look, I say, “Thanks for notifying me.”
Mock me and say riding isn’t a sport, and I’ll say,”You say that ’cause you can’t ride.” But before you make fun of my horse, make sure you have “911″ on your speed dial.

wow! That was amazing!! Keep writing! :D