Gone With the Wind | Teen Ink

Gone With the Wind

October 23, 2008
By amanda727 PLATINUM, Salt Lake City, Utah
amanda727 PLATINUM, Salt Lake City, Utah
33 articles 2 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't let anybody tell you who you are; don't let anyone tell you that you don't deserve what you're willing to work for.
Never give up; you\'ll never know how far you could go until you try to get to where you want to go.

I rushed over when I got the news
phone slipped out of my hands, was running out the door
chemo didn't go so well
body couldn't fight anymore

I looked in your eyes
and saw an immortal forever
it wasn't fear in your eyes, but your pain filled the room
But I know you know one day we'll be again together

Emptiness is deafening
making me go crazy
without you, I find no rest
I need you in my life to bring out the best
I can't take a second of this
seeing you like this
I want you to stay but I can't bear it if you didn't part
because the look in your eyes breaks my heart
just know that I love you, I have always since
hold open the gate when you're gone with the wind

You look at me and you try to smile
not enough strength, if only for awhile
I wish I could take your place
because I can't bear to see your face

I tell you to rest, you're getting sleepy now
you're doing your best, fighting the now
after a second or two, my world shattered and collapsed
the line beeped one last time, and went flat

doctors rushed to save you
but you were unsaveable

mptiness is deafening
making me go crazy
without you, I find no rest
I need you in my life to bring out the best
I can't take a second of this
seeing you like this
I want you to stay but I can't bear it if you didn't part
because the look in your eyes breaks my heart
just know that I love you, I have always since
hold open the gate when you're gone with the wind

Everyone's gone
it's just you and me
I look at you
cry and fall to my knees

I took your hand in mine
kissed gently your forehead
I love you, I'll miss you
don't forget
that's what I said

when you're gone with the wind
you're gone with the wind

The author's comments:
I recently just lost someone. I wrote this and silently dedicated this to them, because I will honor, remember and cherish their memory forever. I love her, she was so close to me, and I wrote this because I wanted to inspire people to live every day like it was their last, because time is short and will fade, so live it to your best potential.

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