The Pain Is Numb | Teen Ink

The Pain Is Numb

December 10, 2012
By Lexi_S PLATINUM, Syracuse, Virginia
Lexi_S PLATINUM, Syracuse, Virginia
46 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When life gives you lemons chuck them back at life and demand apples."

you've ripped my heart out
and left it to die
it's old, numb, missing
I've been searching for it
ever since you left
but i fear I'll never find it
i need it to work
but it wont
because it can't
you're my one true love
at-least that's what my mind has said
but it's up to my heart
and right now it's no good
it longs again for your warm smile,
your touch,
your love.
I've been trying to find it's cure
but there's nothing
i need to feel
i fear my heart's gone for good
and i would say i don't have one
but i do
because I'm reminded
every-time i see you

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