Ms. Lisa's Shoreline Walk | Teen Ink

Ms. Lisa's Shoreline Walk

November 21, 2012
By Ashbase99 BRONZE, Lyndhurst, New Jersey
Ashbase99 BRONZE, Lyndhurst, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Lisa stopped, Lisa listened
Lisa listened as she sat, Lisa sat as she listened
Lisa thought and thought.
Lisa thought in horror.

Lisa stood up, walked out the door.
Lisa walked down the street, entered her beach house by the shore.
All the while thinking and thinking, all the while walking and walking.
Along the shore line she walked.

Lisa thought about what the boy said,
she thought and thought in dread.
Lisa thought and she cried. Oh! How long she cried.
Lisa thought and she thought, just as she has always walked and walked.
Trudging through the rough waters of life, all through the sadness and the strife.

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