hear Her Song | Teen Ink

hear Her Song

February 24, 2012
By ShelbyMarie93 PLATINUM, Lexington, Nebraska
ShelbyMarie93 PLATINUM, Lexington, Nebraska
35 articles 1 photo 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When Death to either shall come -- I pray it be first to me." ~Robert Bridges
"Life is not a jump; it's a headfirst dive."
"Within you I lose myself; without you I find myself wanting to be lost again."

╚══`.¸.Isaac H.

There she sits, legs neatly crossed,
Singing a song about all she's lost.
Her song so sweet, yet, so full of pain,
And as she sings, the colors drain
Leaving her world black and white,
And there she will sit, singing all through the night.
No one knows her story, but they all know her song.
All she wants now is to simply belong.
But as each stranger passes, head hung with shame,
Her broken heart tells her, all will stay the same.
Had one of those strangers dared to inquire,
Maybe her soul wouldn't be left for the fire.
But not a single scripture-quoting, church-going preacher
Took the time, to really see her.
They only saw her emotionless stare,
Her dark clothing, and her black hair.
She hides in her bottle of Vodka, wishing it all away,
But what she really needs is someone who will stay:
Someone who will relentlessly see past her mask,
Who is the brave soul who will take on this task?
There's someone like this in everyone's life
But you must relentlessly push through the all strife
And dig deep down, for each Christian holds the cure,
Freely given to us through the pain that Christ endured.
We mustn't forget the blood that gushed down His side,
So that one day we can be His beautiful bride.
Don't let time slip by, ignoring the unreached,
There are still walls that have not been breached.
Relentlessly we must go into the world
And free everyone like this lost, sad, singing girl.

The author's comments:

Hear Her Song
Shelby Holbrook
30 Lines

I wrote this based off of my previous poem "Her Song" for a Fine Arts Competition this March. I really, REALLY hope that my message gets across! The theme is "Relentless: After The One" and all writing must be based off of the theme. I'll gladly accept all critiques and comments, PLEASE! :)

Enjoy! :)

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