Lust is a scarlet red blanket | Teen Ink

Lust is a scarlet red blanket

July 10, 2009
By caylajoan GOLD, Clark, New Jersey
caylajoan GOLD, Clark, New Jersey
16 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Writers become writers because they are
comfortable alone. Out of that silence emerges
a kind of music that doesn’t need screaming fans

Lust is a scarlet red blanket.
We are underneath
and I’m smothered by it.

Our arms brush up against each other,
causing me to feel a surge of emotions.

As you slowly move your hand towards mine,
My stomach drops as if speeding down a steep roller coaster.
Nervous, yet excited,
my palms become hot and clammy.

Holding hands and making my way closer to you,
I can’t help but stare into your eyes.
I’ve become so mesmerized.
Your eyes, clear blue,
like a splash of the ocean.

My heart starts to beat faster,
as loud as if I’m playing the drums.
Your head leans closer in towards mine,
and mine towards yours.
Our attraction pulling us in,
Like an undefined force.

Our lips slowly touch,
our first kiss.

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