Battle of Britain | Teen Ink

Battle of Britain

April 2, 2024
By HIstorekDerek BRONZE, Sharon, Connecticut
HIstorekDerek BRONZE, Sharon, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the heart of skies where shadows fall,

A German pilot hears the war's call.

Through clouds of smoke and thunderous might,

He soars above, a soldier in flight.


The roar of engines, the distant hum,

As he navigates the darkened kingdom.

Bombs away, the city below,

His mission clear, his spirits aglow.


In the cockpit's embrace, he feels the thrill,

Of fulfilling duty with iron will.

Yet in his heart, a somber thought,

Of lives below in chaos wrought.


The sirens wail, the flames ignite,

A dance of death in the blackened night.

Through tears unseen, he bears the weight,

Of war's cruel hand and its bitter fate.


In skies of conflict, he finds no peace,

Only echoes of battles that never cease.

A pilot's tale of loss and dread,

In the bombing of Britain, where angels fled.

The author's comments:

This poem take the view of a German pilot during the Battle of Britain

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