Two Little Boys | Teen Ink

Two Little Boys

March 22, 2024
By destinybartol GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
destinybartol GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones that annoy me. I am the only one who does it back.  Two little boys with blue eyes and big smiles like mine. Two whom I love more than life. Two who taught me patience. From my bedroom, I can hear them scream, but Mom runs to quiet them. 

Their love is my cure. They give immense joy beneath the surface.  They grow day by day and grab my hair with their tiny fingers and rip it with ferocious strength and never let their grasp go. This is how they love. 

They smile and giggle, embracing everyone like a lioness does with her cub, uplifting and singing their beams of joy.  Love, love, love they give when someone needs it. They love. 

When I am too sad and too lonely to keep going, when I am too drained and have too much stress, I hug my brothers.  When there is nothing else I can do. Two who love unconditionally. Two who embrace and do not expect anything in return. Two whose only reason is to love and love. 

The author's comments:

It is a pastiche of "Four Skinny Trees" 

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