911 | Teen Ink


May 18, 2009
By ScreamingOutLoud GOLD, Cumberland, Rhode Island
ScreamingOutLoud GOLD, Cumberland, Rhode Island
17 articles 0 photos 7 comments

a normal day
like any other
routines carried on
lives taken for granted
until evil darken the souls of others
and drove a plane right into our hearts
fire sirens rang
in harmony with the screams
and the bodies they saw burning
will forever haunt thier dreams
America cried from this tradgic blow
but people forget, life goes on
thats just the way life will flow
but those who were there
can never forget
the day when the plane and the towers met.
Memorials were lain out
by the greiving mourners
but they can never replace
the lives that wew lost
those who survived
had died inside
from the horror of it all
every where in sight
debris and bodies fall
thier memories live on
and thier bravery is remebered
dont say they died in vain
for where evil lurks
all must feel its pain
and those who were there will never forget
the day the plane and the towers met.

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