Crash | Teen Ink


May 21, 2019
By Zoom7 DIAMOND, Joliet, Illinois
Zoom7 DIAMOND, Joliet, Illinois
53 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It wasn't supposed to be like that.

We shouldn't be pushed around by adrenaline.

To skim so close to death.

It was a normal Sunday.

Driving around forever.

My father had looked away, for one second

But that's all it took.

Metal scraps metal as my father fights to erase his mistake.

Vibrations yank me in different directions.

It was a normal Sunday.

Never will I forget the sound.

Never will I forget the fear.

The Car seems to scream as if, asking for help.

It screeches and thunders.

The car was out of control.

I was ready for the immense pain.

The death, but it never came.

To my surprise, a voice came and told me all would be okay.

To this day, the voice is nameless.

Never will I forget that day.

I was shaking every inch of my body was trembling. 

I was petrified by fear.

Fear has taken over my entire body and has begun to drive.

The author's comments:

This is a real thing that happened to me.

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