Abuelito's Lullaby | Teen Ink

Abuelito's Lullaby

September 20, 2018
By Dani_Higareda PLATINUM, Hanahan, South Carolina
Dani_Higareda PLATINUM, Hanahan, South Carolina
20 articles 0 photos 109 comments

Favorite Quote:
“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.”
- Winnie the Pooh

Thy man was an honorable man,

A man of wisdom and profound kindness,

A man who spread laughter around every room he set foot in.

But why doth thou hath to leave?

Why doth thou keep singing that lullaby?

Why doth thou memory provoke feelings

Of anger, depression, and joy?

‘Tis true that only the brave face fear,

But thy mind is inclined to sob,

To shed the saddest of tears for thou.

Thou who carried me in thy arms,

And always sang me a lullaby,

Who wept whenever I wept,

Who was happy whenever I was happy,

And who felt the pain whenever I felt the pain.

But now,

Now thou’st no feeling of pain,

No sadness or anger,

Now thou’st feel just beautiful happiness

In the majestic realm of God.

A glorious beauty preserved,

For people just like thou,
Where every angel’s guarding thou,

And every dream is yours

Simply keep on singing,

my dearest Abuelito.

For one day I will join you,

And together we shall sing a song.

The author's comments:

In 2016, my grandfather passed away. I was tempted to get my feelings out on paper, and this is what I ended up with.

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