Fixing Fortia | Teen Ink

Fixing Fortia

November 19, 2019
By Mandoforlife, Springville, Utah
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Mandoforlife, Springville, Utah
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The author's comments:

This is the last chapter in the story. 

"...I was not going to give up not now. Yes Violet is coming, with her bratty friends Lily and Acacia. Am I afraid? No, I'm not afraid of some kid. I am so much more powerful. I just know that Willow is making her more powerful. Don't you think?" I complained to Ash, my slightly older brother. I was sitting in my black velvet throne. My feet up, and Ash patiently listening to me drag on. "Ash, please get me some Gray Tea. A few minutes of waiting and staring out the window at the tiny figures coming towards my castle. They probably don't even know I'm watching them! Ash came out with a rusty tray with a white marble mug.  

"Here you go!" Ash said in a tired voice. I snatched it from Ash and began to sip the tea that had a few Ivy leaves floating on top. "I'm tired, May I go lay down?" Ash continued as if I had interrupted him in a rude way which was a preposterous idea. 

"Looks like I don't need anything else, so I guess." I replied. Ash scurried off and I swear I heard the back door open. Should I check if Ash left? I couldn't take my eyes off

the little figures, might lose them. No way to risky. I thought, so I just waited. Asia my white tiger brushed up besides me. Together, we watched out the front doors, twiddling a strand of hair around my pointer finger. 

      * * *


"Violet! This is why you're here! This is it; you are needed just to defeat her!" Lily screamed. Lily had one hand grasped on Acacia's arm. Violet dropped her arm down by her side. 

"No." She said looking me in the eye, "Lily, Ash, I know you want me to do this, but I can't. She has a voice. It needs to be heard."

I stood there shaking, no one had ever spoken to me like that. My eyes filled with tears, but I refused to let the tears drop.

"Thanks but No," Ash looked at me and waved, I stepped to Violet and ripped the ring of her finger. Ran to the marble staircase to upstairs. They were at the bottom of the stairs. 

"You should've done it Violet, When I told you too!" 

"Ash? You are on their side?" I asked madly

"Yes! I led them through the back and into here." I pointed at Ash and said

"Yett!" He fell to the ground and Lily dropped and checked his heartbeat. Acacia ran over to Ash and started whispering to Lily. Violet looked at me, I stared at her. After a few seconds I fell to the ground. My ring had shattered all over the staircase. I turned on my back and looked up. 


I stood up and saw Violet staying at me, her eyes filled with reflecting tears. Lily and Acacia were hovering over Ash. I turned around and looked out the huge stained glass window, and through the glass was tinting everything different colors. I could tell that the trees that were once dead as a doorknob. We're known growing at a quick speed turning into huge palm trees, with green leaves and coconuts. The deep black sand was turning a magnificent gold. Then very last the Dark blueish gray ocean turned a brilliant Aqua. Asia crossed the room making Violet move over, she walked up the steps and peered out the window. Pouncing like a domestic cat I pointed to the door. She ran out the door and rolled in the sand and splashed in the water. "Woah" I said to Violet, "This is really what Fortia should look like, but what I don't get is how two ten year olds saved it. It is such a beautiful vacation spot." Violet nodded in agreement. "Excuse me real quick!" I said slipping off my black heeled boots, and ran out to the water. The water used to be cold, too cold, but know I thought, spinning in circles. "It's Warm!!!" Then I saw something start to happen. My black pants were slowing from the bottom turning blue, then my shirt to. I ended up with a brilliant sky blue jumpsuit on,  with golden sandals, and my hair it was blonde! Then I realized this was me. Walking back into the castle I passed by Lily ignoring her question, 

"Who is that?" I walked up the spiral staircase and saw lying on the floor the picture that no matter what I did to it, It would always reappear. It was me; this look of me

at least. A small girl with blonde hair and a blue jumpsuit, her hair was blonde and in two neat braids. This is the real me, I ran back down the stairs and thanked Lily and Violet. Ash is dead I knew it. Acacia had tried to help. We left Ash lying on the floor, and went to the Portal. That I could remember the time that Ash and I  walked through it. Willow was there waiting for us. 

"Ivy! Ivy!" Willow said rushing to me. She sat on my head, humming a song. That was rather familiar to Lily, Violet, and Acacia."We used to be besties!" Willow said joyfully now lying on her stomach, swinging her legs in the air. Lily looked at Willow and asked, 

"Willow, what is that song you keep singing?" 

Willow's eyes lit up; she exclaimed, "Yeah when I was a little itty bitty fairy, Ivy and Ash came through the portal hole just like Violet and you did. I was like Steve," Steve who I forgot was even there looked at us as if he did not know what we were talking about, how could someone not know of our great adventures we had. Willow continued, "I went with them to destroy the villain, Daisy." 

I nodded in agreement; then I replied, "That was when I was ten and living in a small town that you probably don't know of... I think it was Savannah,    Savannah Georgia?" Lily gave Violet a glance I didn't understand, but then smiled. 

"Yeah we've heard of it!" Violet responded. Lily giggled, as the portal hole seemed to be swirling purple. 

"It's time for you to go." Acacia instructed. Lily and Violet took one more glance

Oakmere's beautiful scenery and said their farewells. 

"Wait!" I told them, "Follow me." I showed Lily and Violet to the back of the portal hole. Where two brightly colored handprints were stamped, on the limestone. One was purple and had an 'I' right in the middle. The other was neon green and had a 'A' "Here," I said picking up the paint buckets, "make your mark." Violet and Lily pressed their hands in the bright paint and stamped it onto the rock. After their letters were put on, I said,

"Thank you one more time for saving Fortia!" We walked back to the other side, the portal had seemed to be closing. 

"Bye!" We all called in unison as Violet and Lily stepped through the portal and disappeared into the swirling purple mist. 

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