Journey | Teen Ink


May 29, 2018
By Diamond19, Charlotte, North Carolina
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Diamond19, Charlotte, North Carolina
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Favorite Quote:
"A person is a person, no matter how small"-Dr. Seuss

Author's note:

This piece is based on mental abuse I witnessed as a child. I hope that young teens will read this novel and realize that abuse is not okay and to never give up when faced with a challenge.

(I dragged myself along the shore. Time away from the ongoing stress was what I needed. I waded in the water and tried my best to clear my thoughts. As the darkness swallowed
the horizon I just stood there not worrying about the coldness of the night air, or the unworkable waves. As if it were a movie, A man rose from the shore and was as beautiful as a warm
summer morning. As he became closer his amazing eyes became dark and dreadful. I ran,
but I wasn’t fast enough. His claws sunk into me and I cried until I couldn’t cry anymore.)

I woke up screaming and in a deep sweat. This was the worst one yet. The dreams
wouldn’t stop, but one worst than the other. My boyfriend, Chris, was gone, every morning
he would vanish and leave me here to cry. I hated him so much but loved him at the same
time. His yelling always made me clinch and he never let me use my mind for anything more
than cooking and cleaning. But the worst part is that he leaves me constantly and makes me feel
like I am horrible, A ugly, disgusting beast.
Every morning was the same a vigorous routine, First I would roll out of bed, make breakfast, and take care of all the business Chris leaves in my hands, scared of lined
up wiretaps and phone calls. He worked as an accountant for a firm supposedly called,
Wins-pap, a software company. His uncle created it to leave them extra money, whenever
they may need it. But I think that this business is 100 percent crooked, because of the secret
trades of duffle bags full of money and the endless trips back and forth from Miami to New
Mexico. Whenever I mention my concern he just says “ we have the money get everything
you stop asking questions”. I try my best to keep out of his personal business and
just do what a girlfriend is supposed to do, take the money and shut up.
Anyway, this morning was endless, from the books and the bills, I never left the house
worried about finances and if my numbers were right. Because if they weren’t I would have to get
ready for the beating of my life, and maybe death.
  Chris wasn’t home until late that night, Wobbling to the bed, I knew he was drunk again,
but I’ve learned to keep my concerns and worries to myself. He reached over the bed grabbed
my hair and pulled me closer to him. I didn’t cry, by this time the pain was not as bad. He laid
me down on the bed and said: “where’s the money, I didn’t see it on the counter, So help me if
you lost it, you should tell your mom to plan a funeral”. “ I put it in the safe in the back of the picture
frame so if anyone came home with you they wouldn’t know where it was”. “Oh, you think your
so smart, the only reason I am with you is because no one else wanted you and I felt bad for
you, your just another notch in my belt”. At that moment I’d had enough I reached over grabbed
the lamp and smashed it on the back of his head, he hit the floor and I ran into the kitchen. (I)got
a knife and ran out the house, finally free and able to take care of myself.

I eventually went back home and packed my clothes, I’d had enough and i was determined
to prove it. I took a cab to my sisters house. “Hey..wait what’s wrong, why are you crying?”. “Nothing sis, he just made me so mad that i snapped”. “ Wait a minute what did you do?”. I sat there on the couch for at least an hour. I told my sister everything, then she said “ did you call the cops?’. “ No” , “ then we need to, before they find out and put you as an murderer and not a victim”. About 30 minutes later cops started showing up, asking me questions and writing down every move, and every word I said. I wasn’t scared, not paranoid, just shocked that i had the strength to finally break free, I was happy until one of the cops said, “ he’s not dead, we checked, he was looking for you all night, he seemed like a really nice man”. The whole world went blank and there I was again trapped in the dark.

I woke up in the hospital with tons of wires attached to machines and a beeping monitor
over my head. “What in the world happened?”,The doctor looked right at me and said,” you had
a slight heart attack”.” wait what..but i was standing around a bunch of policemen, and they were
telling me that he wasn’t dead”, “ Who is he..”, “ My boyfriend Chris”, “ Oh that lovely young man he came to visit you while you were sleep and sent you these flowers and a card”, the doctor
went over to the counter and picked up a bouquet of roses and a card that read ,“ Get well soon”,
on the outside. “Here read the card..”, ‘ okay”, i picked up the card and looked inside and dropped it on the floor, the doctor picked it up and said “ What’s wrong with it?”, she picked it up and read it outloud, ‘Get well soon so I can come over and put you back in the hospital again”.

“I think we can discharge you soon”, the Doctor said as he walked out of the room with a big grin on his face, “I really don’t care”, I said as i rolled over in the bed I had been plastered in for about a month. Chris tried to visit me a few times, but security made sure to kick him out. I worry about what’s going to happen, because once I leave security won’t be there to keep him from hurting me again. Since the Doctor read the note he made sure chris left me alone, and he did his best to find me a shelter or contact my family so i can be safe when i return home, but it seems like he had little to no luck.

My doctors new and doesn’t understand why the cities so dead, and it’s so hard to make it. Well, most families are split up and like me, their daughters have to move out and learn how to fend for themselves.
            It would be easier if he took the time to actually understand.
At 16, I lived with Chris. My Mother spewing hatred when she spoke and a Father gone against the wind. He was the only one to “love” me, show me attention and let me be his human diary. His childhood, his dreams, and his fears all spilled into my hands. But one shot of heroin changed it all. Weeks of binges, robbing for a gram. And I was his secret, the one who helped him store the money and send it to “Wins-pap”. “So, will you be pressing charges”, the Officer asked, “Yes”.

The dreams kept coming and his voice echoed through the dark.
The trial was set for Monday morning, and I would have to sit in front of a jury, explaining how I let my life get taken over by a clown in a suit of armor. And reflecting the fact that I was involved when he was hit over the head with a lamp, and knowing that I could be placed as someone who’s unreliable and overall crazy.
The feeling of worry raced through my head, allowing me to be engulfed in the ring of fire. He stood over me a cigar in one hand and pointing at the judge with another. “Did you or did you not hit my client over the head with a lamp?”, he asked, I just sat there in awe. Until my sister hit me in the back from the stand behind me. “I did, but it was all in self defense”, I gave him the pictures of my bruises, I documented each and everyone. “How do we know you didn’t do this to yourself?”, he asked, I pointed to my doctor and let the answer speak for itself.
The judge replied, “Dr. Megan Callahan, how do you relate to the defendants question?”, Megan got up and escorted herself to the stand, “I have records of all of her hospital visits, and his attempts to get in and hurt her when she stayed in my care. I even saved the card he gave her the day after she was hit by a car”. “Thank you Mrs. Callahan”, the Judge replied impressed and ready for a reply from the defendant. “That will be all your honor”, the defendant sat down discouraged and that’s when I knew I won my case.
The Jury gave a sigh of relief, and sent one member up to the stand. “We find the defendant Chris Adams, guilty of assault, attempted murder, and domestic violence”. “He will be sentenced to 15 years for attempted murder, 5 years for assault, and in prison counseling for domestic violence”. The Judge used his gavel and the decision was final. He left the courtroom in handcuffs and a smirk on his face. That’s the day I started reliving.

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