A Journal of a Lifetime | Teen Ink

A Journal of a Lifetime

January 16, 2015
By Kyle Kan, South Pasadena, California
Kyle Kan, South Pasadena, California
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This bildungsroman novel follows the story of an “average”  13 year old boy as he experiences life and discovers himself. At first a bothersome chore, Justyn is tasked with writing his daily ongoings and feelings within a journal given to him by his mother. As time goes on, Justyn begins to grow in his interactions with himself via journal as he begins to depend on it as a source of emotional ventilation.
Years pass, and Justyn begins experiencing time constraints that prevent him from writing consistently, nonetheless, he continues to express himself, Through various analyzations of pop culture, existential crises, and stream of consciousness rants, Justyn begins to develop his own personality, opinions, and thought process.

Kyle K.

A Journal of a Lifetime

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