The Violet Hour | Teen Ink

The Violet Hour

December 19, 2013
By jennzthejust BRONZE, Auburn, Alabama
jennzthejust BRONZE, Auburn, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I met a stranger in the night,
Whose lamp had ceased to shine;
I paused and let him light
His lamp from mine.

A tempest sprang up later on,
And shook the world about,
And when the wind was gone,
My lamp was out.

But back came to me the stranger—
His lamp was glowing fine;
He held the precious flame
And lighted mine.

- Lon Woodrum


This is the story of a girl named Genevieve in the Old South whose vivacious spirit runs mile after mile in a quest to find the elusive shadow that wavers in and out of existence,despite the cage that is swiftly being placed down upon her by society.

Jennessa B.

The Violet Hour

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