The Place Where I First Saw Beauty | Teen Ink

The Place Where I First Saw Beauty

April 14, 2008
By Anonymous

I have never been a traveler. I’m one of those people that go on a vacation once every five years. My parents do not like long plane rides or long car rides, therefore it’s very rare that we go anywhere. But, the one year that we did go on vacation was in 2003, when I went to California. This trip was an eye opener for me. It allowed me to see that there is so much more outside of Maryland. California was a place where I saw beauty natural beauty and wonders for the first time in my life.

California is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen’ especially San Diego. San Diego is so calming and relaxing. The weather is always near perfect; the winds are subtle, the temperature is warm and there is no humidity. When it does rain, you can see a rainbow form over the mountain deserts; it’s a beautiful sight. It is amazing how all the colors you see are all formed in nature.

The people in San Diego are polite and welcoming, as well. They are the sort of people that will help a little old lady cross the street. As soon as I stepped off the plane, I was greeted.

“Is this you first time here?” A young lady asked me as she was walking out of the terminal.

“It is actually. This place is so overwhelming!” I said looking around at everything I could possibly see.

“That’s what most people say. But, trust me, it will all be well worth it! Enjoy your stay, sweetie,” the lady said, picking up her luggage to catch a cab. This was obviously not her first time here.

There are so many marvelous sites to see. Everywhere you look there is something you’ve never seen before. It could be glorious colors that the rocks behold or even restaurants that serve Mexican, along with Italian cuisine. The San Diego Zoo is a must see if you travel to San Diego. The animals are beautiful and the zoo is enormous. Normally, the zoos I go to are dingy and cramped, but not San Diego. The animals have so much room, and they get so much attention. As an animal lover, I was overall pleased.

I remember, one morning my parents woke me up at 5:00 a.m. to take me somewhere. I had no idea what was going on but, I wasn’t going to ask questions. They took me to a cliff side, next to a desert, and I finally understood why they had woken me up. The sun was just barely peaking over the horizon, and I swear I could touch it. The sun was so large, like nothing I had seen before. I never saw anything that beautiful before. The colors were gorgeous! First they were pink, then red, orange and finally yellow. Beauty has never been so overwhelming before, but then again, it was the first time I saw beauty.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 17 2011 at 1:31 pm
introducingshelby GOLD, San Diego, California
15 articles 1 photo 139 comments

Favorite Quote:
"People change so you can learn to let go, things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they go right, and things fall apart so better things can fall together."
-Marilyn Monroe

Glad you liked your stay :D Ah, California.. The next time you visit, do have Carne Asada tacos. Mexican food at it's best. The East Coast- where you're from?- is beautiful as well! Have you ever had a Philly Cheese steak? Anyways, wonderful article. You really have an appreciation for nature I can tell..