A Story Of Mine That Needs To Be Told | Teen Ink

A Story Of Mine That Needs To Be Told

February 5, 2016
By mamama1234512345 BRONZE, Marysville, Washington
mamama1234512345 BRONZE, Marysville, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I was 12 years old I had an astonishing  experience.  I learned this day sportsmanship and  patience and how this can be applied to my life . I woke up in the cold and dark morning thinking about it for a week. My dad, mom, brother, and  my dog and I we were going hunting in Ellensburg WA. It was a 5 hour trip over the pass. You will end up in land that looks unknown to the coast of Washington. The family that owns it is an older couple that have been doing it for many years. It has been a tradition in all of their family members. They run their own  bird hunting club. Very few people do that type of hunting I was about to do. Pheasant hunting, Many people does not do it because it takes a lot of time and you need a trained dog (ours is trained for this  type of hunting) and this type of hunting is very hard . Know I will tell you the important parts of the story and the parts that I learned a lot from. My parents are working our dog in lines to flush the birds up. When we were walking in the line, we were having our dog point a bird I was very excited because it was my first bird I had ever shot. My dad said to me that, “I need to be patient and let my dog work the bird until  she and I was ready to flush it”. My dad let me say the command that releases my dog to flush the bird. She did, when I saw the bird I aimed and got it. I was so nervous because I knew that the bird would fly really fast. I was on the edge of my chair. After I had shot the bird I went to it and got it and I came back to the club with my family. we all had gotten a bird that day. When I got back, I cleaned the bird and they signed me up in the club. I learned a lot of sportsmanship and how to be grateful that day. That was a once in a lifetime experience. I thought that this needed  to be said, because this story had meant a lot to me and I had a great day that day. This is a memory that I will not forget. This is also important to me because I can take the lessons I learned that day throughout all my life.

The author's comments:

This was a very special time of my life.

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