Mr. Herriot: my favorite educator | Teen Ink

Mr. Herriot: my favorite educator

February 15, 2013
By OVER90000 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
OVER90000 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ll never forget the first time I met Mr. Herriot, or coach as I usually call him. It was my freshman year and I had just signed up for track. At that point, he had no idea who I was because— Let’s face—it at that point, I wasn’t very good. It wasn’t until halfway through the season, but I’ll never forget what happened. It was just after I ran the 300 hurdles. I was in first place until the last hurdle. I tripped over it and ended up in last. I was devastated and just wanted to be alone. But coach came up to me and said he was proud of me and that everyone makes mistakes. For the first time, I had a coach who believed in me. And from that moment on track became my favorite sport. I knew I had a coach who believed in me.

Coach Herriot is like a drill Sergeant. He demands the best from each athlete, and pushes each man well beyond his limits. But is also always there as a mentor. In track and in teaching social studies he pushes student and athletes to succeed, but he relates it to life and how hard work and drive will get you places. He believes in all of his athletes. He believes that everyone has potential to be great and special, and that belief carries over to the classroom. Even if you're the worst student alive he gives you every opportunity to succeed and will work with you to get you there.

Flash forward three years. Coach is no longer just my coach and teacher; he’s now my mentor and my friend. That is why I am honored to nominate Chris Herriot as educator of the month.

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