To Teach is to Care | Teen Ink

To Teach is to Care

May 9, 2011
By Somika PLATINUM, Pilot, Virginia
Somika PLATINUM, Pilot, Virginia
20 articles 6 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't be afraid to fail because only through failure do you learn to succeed.

If you do not care for the students how can they learn. You cannot expect a child to come from an abusive home and arrive at school confident and fully focused learning. It just isn't possible!! This is why Miss Honey begins her day with evaluating her students looking for any physical sign of despair or discontent. Her process is simple a quick glance at everyone's face and eyes. "For you know eyes are the portals to human feelings". When beginning class she invites students to relax kick off their shoes and sit back to enjoy the lecture (that is as long as they don't fall asleep)!
Through out the class she watches for students that might need help and she offers her help and time to them whether they just need a hug or a listening ear, or a person to help with those especially tricky Geometry questions on last night's homework. Miss Honey will sit there listening and nodding and never judging. For the students who are to shy to talk, but might need help she has set up a box for any letters to be mailed to in which she promises to respond to all letters. And if you ever stop and ask Miss Honey why she stays up late at night writing lessons and letters or spends her time at school taking care of all the students and faculty she will answer "To teach is to care. Students have to have someone to lean on so why not me? Why can't I be there to help others if they need it? I challenge you Dare to Care." In fact those the two quotes posted everywhere in the classroom and written on all of her letters and graded papers; To teach is to care and Dare to care. For her time and work Miss. Honey asks for no reward or pay back but only to spread the kindness to others you meet and "Dare to Care". So, as I end I end in the way Miss Honey would want me to answer...
"Dare to Care"
"To teach is to care"
-Pass it on

The author's comments:
Dedicated to Miss Honey

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