May 29, 2013
By krittika BRONZE, Calcutta, Other
krittika BRONZE, Calcutta, Other
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

"Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy."


What is felt inside is reflected on the outside. The effect on life around us is a reflection of our inner self. Our attitudes and feelings towards other people or things reflect outward in the way we behave and in our mannerisms. Magnetizing to us the things we need, and more often, the things we want. For example, if a certain person makes us feel lowly we will avoid talking to them. Also, if one needs a certain thing he will keep on indicating towards it in whichever way possible.
When we are happy, everything in the world seems nice. When we are sad, everything seems to be adding to our grief. Whenever we are irritated everyone seems to be rude. When we are angry everyone seems to be adding fuel to fire. When we are depressed, everything looks hopeless. So basically, if we have a positive outlook on life everything looks good but if we are pessimistic then everything seems to be wrong and has a sense of negativity to it.
The reflection of our inner selves through spirituality is portrayed by our will and goals. Yoga helps us to calm our inner selves and to analyze situations from different angles. It also relaxes and soothes our mind and rids it of all the difficulties we go through, temporarily.
In the same way, reflection of the inner self through humanity will be exhibited by the way we treat the people around us i.e. our family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, teachers, classmates, etcetera. If we generally treat others in an extremely bad manner and are depressed ourselves all the time it reflects what is going on in our inner self. So, if we are depressed inwardly it will show in the way we do something or react to certain things.
Similarly, the reflection of our inner selves through power will be displayed by how we react to the power given to us. Hypothetically, if one were to be made the head girl of a school, she could react in two ways. One being, a positive reaction and the other a negative one. The positive reaction being that she would not take advantage of the power given to her. Instead, she would prove to her teachers, her capabilities and her dedication towards the betterment of the school and this would show in the progress of the school from that point onwards. The negative reaction being that she would do as she likes, not do any work, put the entire burden on her juniors and take the credit herself. This would lead to chaos in the school.
Thus, our inner selves affect our outward behavior and even the outside world through spirituality, humanity and power.

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