Feedback on "Bald Is Beautiful" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Bald Is Beautiful"

March 29, 2012
By Larisa GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
Larisa GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I found that the points of view piece, “Bald is Beautiful” by Rebecca W was extremely empowering. She was able to prove to the nationwide readers of Teen Ink that having a bald head was a very sensitive topic, and was a courageous thing to do. She had mentioned how baldness was associated with “deranged space-men ad obnoxious cartoon characters” in the past. However, times have changed, and baldness represents much more than being the stereotypes cartoons put them in, such as, a grumpy neighbor like Squidward from Spongebob in modern society.

Being bald has many perks to it. With a shaved head come endless benefits. With no hair to hold dead cells on the scalp, there would be a lot less dandruff. Also, there would be a lot less face threats like lice and ringworm.
It also shows that you don’t “go with the flow.” It shows that you are ready to break stereotypes, social codes and you care about your internal personality more than a shallow exterior appearance. “Your dignity is not stripped from you when you are stripped of hair,” as Rebecca had put it.

Rebecca’s article about baldness shows many people, myself included, that not only has our diversity within humankind increased, but there is no need to be so obsessed about glorifying our external appearance. She has shown us that being bald is a sign of strength that is seen through many shapes, sizes, and forms. From the very first sentence, this entire piece has caught my attention. After reading this, I can say that I have been truly inspired by this topic to become a better person, and very glad that Teen Ink chose to publish it.

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