Cross Country Actually Exists | Teen Ink

Cross Country Actually Exists

November 26, 2018
By cmccallister2022 SILVER, Definance, Ohio
cmccallister2022 SILVER, Definance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Cross Country Actually Exists,” written by Brooke B., talks about how cross country runners don't get much support. Her writing left me feeling that it is true. They don't get much support as football players of volleyball players do in some schools. I agree because it does happen in many schools. I feel like the football players get more support than the cross country runners do. The article is written well I think. They show their opinion on it very well. Their arguments are very strong. I wasn't confused with anything in this article. She explained very well about the friday night football games and how she feels the football players get treated higher than other teams and the other sports don't get much support. “Waking up in the morning to go run 10 miles,” Brooke stated. Also “The school probably bought a $20 shirt that says ‘Battle of the Mound,’” she stated. I think getting shirts like that are fun.

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I'm cheerleader

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