Same Love? | Teen Ink

Same Love?

December 4, 2016
By grace.schoen1 SILVER, Louisville , Kentucky
grace.schoen1 SILVER, Louisville , Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

{we open to the sound of an elevator door open with a sound of a ding, a boy walks out. He is only 16. He has short brown hair, light freckles cascade around his cheeks, and he is in comfortable clothes. His hands in his pockets one hand fingering his round rimmed glasses the sound of footsteps all around him as he makes his way to his therapist’s office. He knocks, soon after the sound of her voice tells him to come in. the sound of footsteps dies off slowly as he enters and closes the door.}


Ah Tyler, are you here for your 4 o clock?

{he nods, proceeding to sit down.}

What seems to be todays... “dilemma?”

{he is silent for a few moments before answering softly.}

Today I had lunch with him…

{she smiles.}

What’s so wrong with that? She asks.

{he grips his glasses a little harder in his pocket, so tempted to put them on to feel more comfortable with his surroundings.}

Everything, everything is wrong with it. Every time I am near him I feel as if my heart will implode. I… I just… want to hold his hand, I want to hold his hand, I want to hug him and… kiss ughh!

{Tyler has covered his face with his hands}

I feel so ashamed with myself sometimes. Why do I love someone or at least think I do… to someone who is the same, why can’t I be like everyone else? Why can’t I be… normal?

Tyler, it’s okay…

Shut up! It’s not okay!

{the therapist is a little taken back, he has never raised his voice like that to her before. Tyler sees the expression her face and sees he took it a little too far. He takes a long deep breath and decides it’s time to put on his glasses. He is silent as he places the round frames along the bridge of his nose.}

I’m sorry, he begins. I just hate that I can’t accept who I am. I’ve tried to be like everyone else, really I have. I’ve tried going out with girls and they were fun but, I never felt like it should go further. I’ve tried playing sports, hell my dad thinks I’m at baseball practice but, instead I’m her talking to you. {beat} only my mom knows I come to you. She’s not as oblivious as my dad she says… {he laughs to himself.} she says, my differences make me who I am. But, I am not some kid from a cheap family film. I can’t be told something and then suddenly my troubles disappear. I am 16 for Christ sake! But it’s hard, it’s hard for me to tell that to my mother. She’s the sweetest woman I know. So of course, I give her a smile to give her the notion that I’ll do just fine.

{the woman nods, letting him know she understands.}

Why don’t you tell your…?
You didn’t even know what I was going to ask you.

Oh, but I do, you want me to tell my father that instead of the son he wanted who is a jock playing sports, dating girls, and full of restricted energy using words like dude or… bro he got stuck with me. I am someone you either accept or you think I’m disgusting I don’t follow “God’s plan.” But, even if you do accept me, a small part of you still feels sorry for me. Because, you feel as if my whole life is a LBGT movie you can easily scroll and find on the Netflix browser.

{his hands tighten into fist.}
Tyler, do you think you need a break-
Everyone asks if I need a break, I’m tired of breaks. I want to keep going and going until I can’t stop. I want someone to ask what I want for once. And I can actually tell them the truth.

{the woman takes a deep breath and nods her head. Tyler breathes deeply trying to re-collect himself when he suddenly feels the vibrate in his pocket.}
Who’s it from?
{Tyler can’t help feeling his heart swell and a small smile creep up against his lips.}
I’ve never felt this way before… about anyone… when I think about him I don’t feel weird or different. I-I feel as if I could tell anyone and I wouldn’t care if I was given a punishment. I want to tell him… I really do.
{Tyler’s leg begins to bounce quickly but, he puts his hands on his legs to try and calm down.}

I know what it’s like to see “come-out” but, I never knew the feelings those people were going through would be so… perplexing.

It must be difficult

Mm-hmm, it’s also hard when you start writing poems and making art about him. But, you can’t or… won’t share.
{the woman sees that soon it will be the end of his appointment.}

I know I don’t have much time left… but, I know that I should share my feelings soon. And maybe I will… maybe I won’t.
Tyler you should…

{the sound of the clock striking 5:00 o’clock alters them both. Tyler then stands up, puts his glasses away and steps toward the door.}
See you next week… if I’m feeling up to it.
{He closes the door leaving the woman all alone in her office.}
{fade to black.}

The author's comments:

this is a narrative that i wrote to help with teens/adults with struggling with their sexuality 

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