Romance with a Stranger | Teen Ink

Romance with a Stranger

October 31, 2013
By canmil08 BRONZE, Morrisville, Missouri
canmil08 BRONZE, Morrisville, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Akari puts her hands in the stream, careful to avoid the fish swimming downstream. She could feel the water climbing the length of her arm like a vine, healing her cuts the higher it goes. She relishes the feeling of her wounds healing. Turning her head, she looks around at her surroundings, taking them in. There’s a young man standing a few feet away, curiosity overtaking him. Akari stares him down. This could be a life or death situation. She skims him over, finding a black glint inside his jacket; a gun. Akari focuses her mind, aiming the water at the man; feeling the power of the water flow through her as she lets go of her restraint. The water builds like a thick wall between them. Satisfied, she walks away, paranoid of the creatures who roam the forest.

She turns the knob, steaming water filling the tub, and undresses. Akari stares at herself in the mirror, just for a moment, before sinking down into the water. I look like my mother, she thought. Akari has long, raven hair and abnormally bright green eyes. She’s not human, but in a way, she is. She and Dax are the only kind left of her species. Before her mother was eaten by a pack of werewolves, she was another of their kind. You could say it’s almost genetic.

Dax was made one by Akari. He was dying of the Spanish Influenza. There is no cure for it. Akari loved him more than her own life. She asked the Gods for help, for she didn’t know what to do. They never answered her. Perhaps they thought it was a selfish act. To cure the one she loves. Akari didn’t care. All she wanted was Dax. She made him drink a potion, which slowly starts the Change, making him like her.

After her bath, Akari makes dinner, trying to be a nice girlfriend. She hears the door shut when Dax walks in, wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her neck. Akari places her hands over his, leaning into his touch.

How was your day?
I got caught in the forest.
I thought I told you to stay out of the forest.
I know. I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist. Please don’t be mad.
You have got to start taking better care of yourself.
She faces him, looking into his eyes.
I don’t think you realize how much I care about you. I love you, Akari, and you can’t just go off on your own seeking trouble. Okay?
Okay, but only for you.
Thank you.
He leans down and kisses her, enjoying the moment.
How was your day?
I found Travis.
Travis is Akari’s ex-boyfriend. They dated for four years and never broke up. Akari was kidnapped and at the first chance, she killed her captor. She was lost in the forest until she came upon Dax, and he rescued her. Of course she was still in love with Travis. It took a long time to get over him, before she could allow herself to feel anything for Dax. Akari doesn’t love him anymore. She loves Dax with a passion.
You did?
Yeah. The problem is, he doesn’t have anywhere to go. He was completely out of it when I talked to him.
And you want him to stay with us?
Dax pulls her closer, kissing her mouth.
Akari turns off the stove, rushing into the other room, separating herself from him. If she’s going to think, she needs some space. Unfortunately, Dax follows her.
Travis brings up memories, Dax. Memories I don’t want to resurface.
I understand but he’s far from gone. He’s not going to hit on you or want you back.
Do you know how Travis and I ended?
No. Not a clue.
That’s why you don’t understand.
Tell me.
That’s just it! We didn’t break up. I was kidnapped, and when I had a shot, I killed my captor. I was lost in the forest and that’s when you came in. Travis and I were together for four years, Dax. We never broke up. We just couldn’t find each other. He’s going to expect us to still be together.
He can’t expect anything from you. It’s been seven years.
Fine. Bring him here. I don’t care.

Akari walks through the entry way, and hears familiar voices. One is Dax. She comes around the corner. Travis is talking to Dax. How awkward is this?, she thought. His brown eyes meet hers. Travis’ hair is still a deep brown and his usual messy look. He’s wearing jeans and a sweater vest. The talking ceases and Dax gives her a kiss.

Hey, honey. Travis’ stuff has already been set up.
Alright. Thank you. I’m going to go lay down. Excuse me.
Travis stares at her as she makes her way to her room, shutting the door. Akari turns off the light, trying to clear her mind. A moment later, Travis walks in quietly, turning on the light.
“Can I talk to you? Please?” He asks.
Akari sighs. She knows what this is about. About her and Dax dating. And what happened when she was kidnapped.
He sits on the bed, facing her. “How long have you and Dax been dating?”
“Two years.”
“You live together?”
“Are you sleeping together?”
“No. Not that it’s any of your business.” She laughs.
“What happened to you the day of our wedding? You just disappeared out of nowhere. I was so scared. I thought you were dead.”

Akari sits next to Travis, recalling the memories.

“I was getting in my car to drive to the church, and some man held a gun to my head, forcing me to go with him. He kidnapped me. He took me somewhere deep into the forest. A few days later, he Changed me, and told me what I was and what I could do. He took me under his wing, wanting to teach me everything he knew. Deep down inside, I hated him. I hated him for Changing me. I’m a monster. Then, when I had the chance, I killed him and ran. I couldn’t really go far. I had no idea where I was. So I was lost in the forest and as I wandered around, I discovered what I could do, what I was capable of. And I was amazed. A few weeks later, I ran into Dax and he was cool. But I was still so in love with you and I tried to let you go. I’m in love with Dax. I really am. Now, I’m here living with Dax, enjoying how he makes me feel.” Akari explains.

“You love him?” His breath catches.
“How could I not?”
“Why did you get with him?”
“I thought you were dead! Besides, I’ve moved on, and so should you.”
“I love you, Akari. We’re supposed to be together. We never even broke up and I find you and your with another man. How do you think that makes me feel? We were supposed to be getting married.”
“I’m sorry. Okay? I’m not the same person anymore.” She takes a deep breath, calming herself. “I should go make dinner.”
He studies her.
“You’re not human?”
“I lost my mortality years ago.” She laughs, but, it’s a dark laugh that gives you chills down to your bones.
“What are you, then?”
“I’m half-vampire, half-angel. They call us Imbreds. Vampires and Angels were at war, while the Vampire King and the Angel Queen fell in love, producing the offspring of Vampire and Angel, an Imbred. Therefore, my race has continued to grow, and over the last few years, we’ve decreased dramatically in numbers.”
“Do you have any special things you can do?”
“I can only show you around water.” She grins mischievously.
“What do you mean?”
“I can control water with my mind.”
“I’ll show you sometime.”
“What else can you do?”
“I guess you’ll have to find out.”
Dinner’s ready.
“Dinner’s ready. Let’s go.”
“Why doesn’t he come in here?” Travis asks.
“He respects my privacy.”
“There shouldn’t be privacy between two people in a relationship.”
“Leave my relationship alone, Travis. It’s none of your business.” She warns.

Akari shifts the gear into park, turning off the engine before getting out and crossing the street. There are tons of people walking on the sidewalks. She blends right in, which was her goal. With her pea coat and scarf tied around her neck, she looks like every other mortal around here.

Akari turns into her designated place and searches for the reservation. He’s already here, as planned. She’s agreed to meet the person responsible for her loss of mortality—well, his apprentice, anyway. He claimed he had news of urgency. Akari joins him when she sees him.

“I’m Akari Windings. And, you are?” she introduces herself.

“Peter Rodgers, my dear. I’m afraid we have great and terrible news. You see, the Imbred King has died and, since you killed him, you are the new Queen. The person who kills the monarch becomes the new monarch. I’m afraid you’re the new monarch.” He explains.

“What? That’s not possible. There must be a mistake.”

“I’ve ran the Imbred monarchy system for centuries. I would know if there was a mistake. You are the rightful heir to the throne. A car will be picking you up at two. It will take you to the Greenbrier Paradise.”
“The what?”
“The Greenbrier Paradise is the royal palace. You have a meeting with the advisors. Please dress nicely. The first impression is the most vital. I must go. Good-bye.”

Peter was right; the car did take her to the Greenbrier Paradise. The guards led Akari to where the advisors are. Akari was thankful she took Peter’s advice. All the advisors are wearing suits. I take a seat next to Peter.

“Everyone, quiet down. This is Akari; the new queen. Akari, these are your advisors. This is Mark, Evan, Teedo, Sarah, Trevor, Cynthia, and Raoul. They help you make decisions and get whatever you need really. You must always dress the part. We’ll leave you to get acquainted.” Peter explains.

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