Convert | Teen Ink


December 10, 2017
By Mmwfilm BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
Mmwfilm BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The girl never knew something as simple as liking the same sex could end her up in a
situation quite like this.

Her captors drug her across the rough pavement as she kicked wildly and screamed as loud
as she could into their faces, but, they did not seem to care at all. They didn’t care about her favorite pair of red sneakers or if the yelling was caused by pain, or, if she was only in a t-shirt and boyshorts in the dead of winter for all to see. None of it mattered, as long as they got her in their custody.

          The silky brown hair that sat perfectly atop her head moments ago was tattered and wild, and a look of panic became stained onto her face. Their neighbors began to crowd on their individual porches, all were gawking at the spectacle happening before them. The teen looked over her shoulder, only to find the one thing to make her even worse, her mother, crying into her father’s chest and whispering prayers to herself, like this was hurting her, and not her own child. The rage that had built up over the course of a minute finally bubbled over, she began to struggle harder. The girl looked over to her parents one last time and began to let them reap what they sowed.

        “Why are you crying? Huh? You did this, screw you!” The burly man on her right reached up with one hand and aggressively tried to clamp her mouth shut, his fingers grabbed at her teeth, pulling her mouth down. She yelped in pain and bit down, hard. The man lost his grasp of her side entirely, causing her wiggle onto the cold pavement below. The other man jumped into action and tackled her to the ground, hitting her face once or twice until she completely stopped moving. They raised her nearly limp body off the ground and returned to their job of dragging her into their red BMW. This was the one fight she did not win, as she knew nothing would help her.

      She weakly raised her head and peered around once more to see it all. The people gathering on the sidewalk who gasped at every movement. Her former girlfriend standing in the distance in shock, her own parents who were guilty beyond belief, and her own brother, who was sitting on the curb in front of their home, sobbing and clutching one of her jackets. At that very moment she knew she was nothing more than a hopeless case as they reached their destination and her fate. She struggled, but managed to lift her legs and start to walk with them. No more fighting, no more yelling, just her own tears and the taste of blood and defeat.

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