A lone chair in a room | Teen Ink

A lone chair in a room

May 15, 2019
By Anonymous

I was alone in the back of the lunch room, again. All the other kids were attempting to sit down near the popular kids first and try to get on their good side, by giving them lots of sugar foods. I was never acknowledged by anyone, unless it was to make fun of my clothing, intelligence, or my lack of wealth. I usually just ignore them, but it still hurt. As I sat the lone table, I began to eat my lunch in silence. At least, as silent as a lunch room in a public school can be.
I had finished my lunch and decided since i’m not wanted at there, I would just head to the Library. I had always had a liking for books. The first time I went to the Library I saw how people left each other alone and focused on their book. I began to read and without the constant fear of other people pushing me around, I liked it there. The Library soon became my favorite place to be during any spare time I had. I personalised a small and secluded area in the library, which was near the graphic novels. It was always place to go when i’m not feeling so great, so I can read books and then I begin to feel better. After being in the library for a while, the librarian noticed that the lunch period was about to end and forced me out of the library to go to my next class.
I never seemed to pass easily in my class, there was always some mistake. No matter how small it was, it did not matter, it always brought my grade down to a C or lower. The teachers smiled at all the other students, but when their gaze turns onto me, they usually stop smiling and get this blank face. They then quickly look to other students as if they don't want me in their sight.
At home I am usually in my room with the door shut. My parents work at a factory that makes toys for children, but at home there are no toys. Dad works longer hours at the factory to help cover the cost of my education, but mom still comes home late. I have to cook for myself and for my parents because they are too exhausted to make their own. I usually come to an empty house and wait for my mother to come home at around 7 PM, but dad does not come home until 10 PM. They work too hard for me to go to a school where I am obviously not wanted.

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