Andrew the rage quitter | Teen Ink

Andrew the rage quitter

November 9, 2018
By sneakerheadds BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
sneakerheadds BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Andrew the rage quitter


My name is Dylan I’m Mexican, I’m also chubby. I’m playing with my friend  Andrew he has curly hair and looks like funk ops. We playing NBA2k19 he wants to beat me for the first time but he can’t. Andrew lost against me he gets mad and punch me, he starts screaming and hits the TV.

The TV broke, my comes inside the room and says what happened. Andrew looks at me, I look at my mom and tell her that the Andre punch the TV. She gets out of my room she’s mad, she calls me to her room and told me that I’m going to have to pay for the TV or buy myself a new one. When my dad arrive home my mom told my dad that my friend broke the TV, my dad was really mad at me. After my dad got mad and he already have talk to me he said tell your friend to live to his house.

When Andrew drive to his house his mom wanted to talk to him his mom started talking to him, he asked him why he broke the TV and Andrew said because I got mad I could not controlled my anger. While Andrews mom was talking to him, his dad arrive and his dad saw Andrew and his mom talking he said what’s going on, his mom told his dad about what happened and his dad got mad at Andrew and got him grounded.

After a few weeks Andrew came to my house I had a new TV and a brand new console. Andrew came to apologize for what he did, he told me the he started going to classes that will help him controlled his anger. I saw the Andrew change a lot  and he does not get mad playing video games or other things. Andrew asked me if I had a minute to talk to him, I said yes. He told me he was sorry for what he did and he was going to pay me for the TV.

After Andrew told me that he was going to pay me for the TV,I told my mom and she said that it was ok. Andrews mom was talking to my parents about how Andrew change a lot and how he’s doing in school. Andrew found a girl and they tell each other everything and his girlfriend was surprised now Andrew change a lot.

At the end  Andrew live with his girlfriend in apartment they had 3 kids and got married, Andrews mom die his dad left him. After the story Ended that Andrew became a hacker to get information from other computers that the government needed.

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